SONY announced that they had invited U.S. Padu large special professor (75) of Eiichi Negishi who had won the 13th and this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistrys to the technical advisor of this company (Sho wall).

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SONY announced that they had invited U.S. Padu large special professor (75) of Eiichi Negishi who had won the 13th and this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistrys to the technical advisor of this company (Sho wall).
It advises to various researches that SONY advances in the organic electronics field.

Mr. Negishi assumes the position of the executive research advisor of this company (special research advisor and part-time) dated of a day.
It advises to in-house researchers in the organic chemistry field such as the organic transistor, the organic solar cells, and plant material plastic by which this company is advancing development and the productization.

SONY is expecting, "An in-house researcher is touched off by touching the world authority of the organic chemistry, and connect with an epoch-making product development" Mr. Negishi's invitation.

Mr. Negishi is an authority of "Cross-coupling" research of the synthesis reaction on the organic metal.
Bottom line was perceived by the cross-coupling research on the palladium catalyst, and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was won with Sskishou, emeritus professor (80) of University of Hokkaido, and Richard Hecc U.S. Delaware large emeritus professor (79).

The source
Http:// In the dinner party of the Nobel prize ceremony, Stockholm City Hall at Eiichi Negishi = night of the tenth when it makes a speech
- SONY Http://
Electronics field of ..Kishieiiti 13 Hine.. organic executive research advisor assumption price in December, 2010scode=6758

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このページは、jp_masterがJanuary 7, 2011 9:56 AMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「Groups of the lengths of The University of Tokyo Misaki marine laboratory are clarification of the mechanism of the model difficulty rule sickness/Kanagawa and others as for the sea urchin.」です。

次のブログ記事は「It was the ninth clarified for JVC Kenwood Holdings to expected to come off from the equity method application company of Panasonic, and to part from the Panasonic group in fact. 」です。
